Friday, December 23, 2016

Currently Doing Voxel Trophies Demo

Currently doing Trophy 16x Cups Pack demo using Unity. I am not very newbie on it since I have experience on using it when doing an assignment when I was in college. Additionally, my gamedev and C# programming experienced helped me made the demo.

Trophy 16x Cups Pack Demo
Trophy 16x Cups Pack Demo

They are both coded and drag & drop. Had some trouble when changing the material using code. However, finally solved when I had to access the child to change the material since it held the components.

You can get them at:

The demo will be include in the Trophy 16x Cups Pack v1.3 next update.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Kelin Kelilin - Progress: v0.2 Demo Released

Good news, Kelin Lovers!

This last month of this last year, Kelin Kelilin v0.2 demo has finally released in

A lot of changes have been implemented in this update:
  • Rating system has been changed
  • A lot of graphics has been changed, the v0.1 graphics were too futuristic
  • Kelin Kelilin has finally its own title font
  • Progress bar has been changed into progress text for time and gem bonus challenge
  • ... and a lot more


Kelin Kelilin - Gameplay
Kelin Kelilin - Gameplay
Kelin Kelilin - Title Screen
Kelin Kelilin - Title Screen

Kelin Kelilin - Level Selection
Kelin Kelilin - Level Selection

Kelin Kelilin - Gameplay 1
Kelin Kelilin - Gameplay 1

Kelin Kelilin - Gameplay 2
Kelin Kelilin - Gameplay 2

Kelin Kelilin - Gameplay 3
Kelin Kelilin - Gameplay 3
More stuffs will be implemented in the future like save/load system, revised bonus time, and something else I haven't though. Enjoy the v0.2 demo and expect more Kelin Kelilin news in the future!

Friday, December 9, 2016

Kelin Kelilin - Progress: Using Kaki Kelin GUI

Still updating the current graphics. Took long time just to think what graphics theme I will use for Kelin Kelilin. Finally decided to use Kaki Kelin (It is my Kelin projects too but still in progress) GUI instead. I like it very much compared the previous GUI graphics, made me faster to finish the GUI part.

Progress of New Title Screen
Progress of New Title Screen

Progress of New Level Selection
Progress of New Level Selection

Progress of New Gameplay Screen
Progress of New Gameplay Screen
Demo will be released soon with new graphics and levels. Expect more Kelin Kelilin news in the future!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Kelin Kelilin - Progress: New Graphics Test

Testing gameplay with new graphics with animated screenshot.

Kelin Kelilin - New Graphics Test
Kelin Kelilin - New Graphics Test
I prefer the new graphics now since the new one gives more sense to the object compared to the old one. Also the animated screenshot is for #screenshotsaturday.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Kelin Kelilin - Progress: Updated Graphics

It's been a while after I posted the blog spot about v0.1 demo release. After a while, I decided to change to the current graphics. I feel that the current graphics theme was too futuristic while the game setting itself is fantasy. Took hours what new theme I will pick. In the end, I picked the crystal theme which I like it more than the old one.

Old Graphics (left) and New Graphics (right)
Old Graphics (Left) and New Graphics (Right)
New v0.2 demo also will also be released soon. Expect more Kelin Kelilin news in the future! C:

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Kelin Kelilin - Progress: v0.1 Demo Released

Good news, Kelin Lovers!

Today, finally you can play as Kelin since Kelin Kelilin demo has finally released! In this demo I will release 10 levels first even the whole level were already completed several days before the demo. Game can be downloaded in


Kelin Kelilin - Gameplay
Kelin Kelilin - Gameplay

Kelin Kelilin - Running Toward Star
Kelin Kelilin - Running Toward Star

Kelin Kelilin - Crashed
Kelin Kelilin - Crashed

Kelin Kelilin - Reaching Portal
Kelin Kelilin - Reaching Portal

Kelin Kelilin - Level Selection
Kelin Kelilin - Level Selection

Also, I am planning to change the themes in the future even they were made by me. The reason is the theme was too futuristic for Kelin time. I am planning to change it into fantasy theme in the future. Expect more news and update in the future! C:

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Kelin Kelilin - Progress: Resource Stuffs

After finishing the testing, doing some arts and still deciding what music I will use. Also did some coding to fit the sprite style. I replaced the ship sprite into Kelin. Now you can see Kelin moving around while playing instead of a ship.

Right now I am still deciding the star and the hazards art replacements. I also still haven't decided the theme of the place which hinder the art replacements. Took hours just for this, but that's normal for me.

Kelin Kelilin Gameplay
Also, I am planning implement the bronze, silver, gold, and platinum level achievement based on the gameplay performance:
  • Bronze: Complete a level
  • Silver: Complete a level within time bonus or all star collected, but not both in single gameplay.
  • Gold: Complete a Silver level but finish the remaining time bonus / all star collection challenge which isn't completed
  • Platinum: Complete a level within time bonus and all star collection challenge in single gameplay
The bronze is the easiest and the platinum is the hardest. Time and strategy do matter much if you are planning to achieve platinum completion. All of the platinum completion are completable since I tested them every single level myself.

That's for now. I hope for the next post, I will finally able to deliver some demo. Expect more news in the future! C:

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Kelin Kelilin - Progress: Decided Title

After several weeks deciding the game title, finally decided to name my current new game project "Kelin Kelilin". "Kelilin" is a play word from Indonesian language "Keliling" which means to move around. The character in this game (Kelin) will move around a lot in this game. Btw, this Kelin is the same Kelin from Kaki Kelin, the rabbit girl who wears a green hat who got cursed by eating a strange carrot.

Kelin Kelilin progress so far is still in alpha testing. Almost finished testing all levels. After finishing the testing, I will probably focus on adding the Kelin asset and preparing the demo. Expect more Kelin Kelilin news in the future!

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Untitled Project - Progress: Estimating Time

About the teleporter bug several days I wrote in my previous blog post, I finally managed to solve it using an even better solution which cost almost nothing of performance. So instead of changing the world division or using pixel perfect collision check, I used boolean check instead. It worked very well.

Now that problem was solved, I kept continuing to finish all the gimmich mechanism. Finally, I managed to finish them all. So, all the level and the gameplay mechanism are already finished and even playable. I probably will post the demo as soon as possible and mostly decide the theme and the title of the game first.

Estimating Time
Estimating Time

The current progress I am doing right now is estimating the time limit and the time bonus. Basically there is already a default time limit and time bonus, but it will turn the game not challenging or impossible to finish. So far, I have done 60 levels. There is a hundred more. Also, initially there was gonna be 2 extra challenge for each level: finishing the time withing time bonus and collecting all the stars. These can be done separately. Now, I will add more extra challenge without adding more challenge type: Complete both 2 extra challenge in single run. 

That's for now. Expect more news of this game in the future! ;)

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Untitled Project - Progress: Teleporter Bug

Made a some progress for the past 3 days. Also, I still haven't decided the title of this game of mine yet. So far, I have implemented some of the gimmicks like barrier stuff.

Right now, I am still stuck with the invisible wall caused after teleporting from a teleporter. The bug itself was also not consistent on each teleporter. Sometimes the ship teleported fine on a teleporter but not on other teleporter. I still couldn't find source code which caused the bug yet. The bug occured only if I changed the position of the ship, which is used on when touching the teleporter.

Invisible Wall Bug
Invisible Wall Bug
I managed to prevent the bug by changing the world division setting or using the pixel perfect collision check. However, it costs some unneeded performance. I will use this only if there is no way to stop the bug or to keep continuing the development. Expect more news in the future!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Untitled Game Project with Runny Square Gameplay + Level

Welp... started a new game project again because of reasons... I supposed to do Legacy Bits or Kelin Kirim project. I started a new untitled project instead. The project progress is already much further than Legacy Bits and Kelin Kirim, thanks from reusing the old codes mainly from Runny Square and Looping Zip for the gameplay, Kaki Kelin for implementing level XML into playable level, and Legacy Bits for the level system.

As I mentioned before, I haven't decided the game title yet. The reason is because I haven't decided what theme I will put into the game. So far I have made all the levels and the gameplay. Only need to implement the gameplay from the level tool. After that, the game is technically done. Still, it will need a lot of polish after that.

Untitled Project Gameplay
The game uses the same tools as the tools used for making the currently in progress game, Legacy Bits. They are FlashDevelop, HaxeFlixel, and Tiled.

The next main progress I will do with the project is:
  • Implementing gimmick from level design into game
  • Releasing demo
  • Making list of next things to do

I hope I can really finish this commercial project this year especially how many levels I just finished making it yesterday, which took several days before yesterday.  Also, demo will be released soon. Expect more news in the future!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Destined Way - Making Levels and Navigation

Currently making levels on my old game remake, Destined Way. There are so many levels. Didn't know I could that many that time. Fortunately I can imitate the tile placement similar as the old project.

Levels and Navigations
Currently I am making the Haunted Forest levels. There are still so many level to imitate from the old projects. Expect more news in the future.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Making Remake Update: Destined Way

Destined Way is my very old game. The game was finished 6 years ago. However, all of the available link to download them were no longer available. Even my project file in most of my storage media were gone because of the storage media being corrupted.

Fortunately, I had the last one in my secret file. I was very glad. Now I want to make it available. However, I want to make a remake update first before making it available. The update will be made using Game Maker: Studio. The old one was made using Game Maker 8.0.

The main character of this game will be the ancestor of Kelin. The event happened several hundred years ago. That time humanity was on the brink of extinction from monsters rampage created from the waste product of mana. Well, that is for now for the peek of the story. I might change it in the future.

Here is little peek of my progress:

After making the remake update available. I will also make the old one available. Expect more news in the future!

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Legacy Bits - Demo is Available

First, screw the lateness because I post it on tuesday instead of sunday/monday :D. Second, finally after some weeks, finally the demo of Legacy Bits is available!

You can play the game in this link:

Some screenshots:

Gameplay Overview
Gameplay Overview
Title Screen
Title Screen
Level Selection
Level Selection
Reached the Core

Let me know what you like, love, dislike, and/or hate. Also, feel free to suggest what you want to be implemented or something needs to be improved :).

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Legacy Bits - Demo Moved & Time and Gathering Challenge Plan

Decided to move the demo release. Probably this sunday or monday. I am such a slacker. Also, I am planning to implement the time and gathering challenge to make the gameplay longer. The current one will be easily to be finished too soon.

Don't worry, here are some peeping of my game.

Some of Legacy Bits's peeping
Some of Legacy Bits's peeping
Hope I can release it this sunday or monday. I haven't released a single demo of my bigger game project this year.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Legacy Bits, the Title of My New Game Project

Finally decided the name of my new game project: Legacy Bits. The game is about a world dominated by machine. The blue square is the hope to neutralizes the machine by uploading some certain binaries that will gain control of the part of the machine. There is still more depth about the story, but for now, I will focus on gameplay.

The game is being made using HaxeFlixel via FlashDevelop. The stage itself is made using Tiled.

In this game, you have to connect the blue square into the big square, the core of the machine. So far, I haven't added enemies, except the wall which can destroy the blue square if crashed while charging.

Gameplay Overview
Gameplay Overview
If there is no obstacles, I am planning to post the demo this saturday (August 27th. 2016). Stay tuned!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Starting a New Game Project... Again

Had to start a new game project again... As much I love my Kaki Kelin game project, I must change the priority for some reason. Also if I rush Kaki Kelin, it will be ended up as plain game. The good part is that I will reused some code I use in Kaki Kelin into this new game project so I can cut some times needed to finish the project.

I haven't decided what will be the title of this new game project. Some of the game mechanism of this new game project will be inspired from my old game, Kissy Square, while Kaki Kelin game mechanism was inspired from my old game, Runny Square. There will be bouncing up and down, and moving foward, but there it won't be kissing other square.

Title Mock-up
Title Mock-up
Level Selection Mock-up
Level Selection Mock-up
Achievement Mock-up
Achievement Mock-up
In the next progress, I hope I can show the gameplay as animated gif. From bouncing up/down, moving forward, and finishing a level.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Dot Battlers Pack: Front Fantasy

Add pixel front-view fantasy battlers into your game from slimes, plants, undeads, dragons, demons, and more including their variant forms..

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Monster Battler Pack - Progress: Color Variation Test

More progress on color variation of a monster. This is still a test variation. The original variant is the middle (Octopus).

Color Variation Test
Color Variation Test

In the release, I am planning to put name with something like "Octopus_A", "Octopus_B", and "Octopus_C" instead of the monster name in the picture above. You can choose your own monster's name as creative as you want even naming the original color of "Octopus" with something else like "Bald Squid", "Angry Octo", or "Red Octopus".

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Monster Battler Pack - Progress: Bestiary Test

Did more progress for my monster battle pack. Also as I mentioned in previous post, the name of the pack will probably changed in the future.

Monster Usage in Bestiary
Monster Usage in Bestiary
Also, I have finished more than half battlers. Only less than half left to be finished. Hope I can finish it this week.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Making a Monster Battler Pack

The title isn't the final pack name yet. Also, as the title said, I am making a monster battler pack. I have finished more than 10 monsters.

Test in a Battle Mockup
Test in a Battle Mockup
The pack is expeted to be finished before the end of this month (July 2016).

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Kaki Kelin - Progress: Money, Bar, Notification, and Screen Width

More progress love for Kaki Kelin. It was supposed to be posted at 6th June. However, some crucial parts were not finished yet so I delayed it until 9th June. Those parts made me think more than usual progress. So, the main progress this time is money, bars, pick up notification, and screen width.

Progress Summary: Money, Bar, Notification, and New Screen Width
Progress Summary: Money, Bar, Notification, and New Screen Width
So, I decided to change game screen width to fit more inventory slot and to make it easier for the inventory upgrade. The previous capacity scale was 9. However, it didn't look nice for the item bar, didn't fit for inventory slot, and it didn't size well with the wallet bar. If I made an upgrade, it will need to hit 35 for both to have the same size. So I decided to changed it into 5 which can make them easily have the same size at the mutiplication of 5.

New Screen Width Change and Wallet & Item Bars
New Screen Width Change and Wallet & Item Bars
Also about the bars, it took some thought and time how I will create it. At first, I will just make the code draw the line. But what if I want to change the graphic bar in the future? So I decided to make a temporary image and put it as bar. The bar fill took a less time to build, especially thanks for the code in the stamina display. Both have similar structur. For the item bar, it fills each time Kelin takes an item. For the wallet bar, it fills each time Kelin takes certain total coins. Example, it takes total 10 coins (means the combined total of Silver and Gold coins) to fill 1 bar. Assume the maximum bar is 5, it means Kelin needs to take 50 coins to fill the wallet bar fully.

Picking Up Notification
Picking Up Notification
Now, for the notification, this also took some concentration and more thought to make. At first, I made it display on the left only when the game shows the wallet and items bar. However, after I tried testing it myself, it feels too busy to switch from showing health/stamina to bars just only to check whether an item/coin has been picked up. In the end, I moved into the right side so it can display the notification when displaying health/stamina or bars.

Here's the detail of the progress from 3rd June to 9th June.
  • Wallet to store money
  • Money consists of Gold and Silver
  • Wallet and item bar to display how much money and item have be picked up
  • Ability to pick-up money, splitting it into gold and silver coins
  • Money notification when picking up item
  • Item notification when picking up item
  • Switching health & mana into money & item bar and vice-versa
  • Screen width has been changed from to 672 into 736 pixels especially to make inventory upgrade easier to make
That's how far today I made the progress. I haven't decided what is the next progress, but I will watch TV again while writing what to do next. Meanwhile, I will be doing more arts at least for the next 3 days.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Kaki Kelin - Progress: Title, Page, Pick, Check Point, and More.

Continued more progress to Kaki since saturday, First of all, I have decided to do minor change to the title. The previous title was "KaKiKelin". After some hours of thought, I finally changed it to "Kaki Kelin". The previous title, I wasn't comfortable to type the upper letter, especially when typing the second K on ki. Also, I like the new one better especially for typing.

Title Screen with New Panel
Title Screen with New Panel

I also have made a facebook page of Kaki Kelin, which you can visit in this link I will also post my progress in facebook page and this blog. However, the blog contains more detailed information while the page contains summary of the progress. So, if you want summary of the progress fast , the page is better and also I use Facebook often. If you are a detailed person, this blog is good for you. 

Now about the progress. The main progress today is Picking Up Item, Check Point, Fix on Minor Glitch, and more. Kelin also now can regenerate her stamina, especially after doing a 180 direction turn. Kelin now can pick up item in the map and put it into her inventory. She can also use the item (but no effect yet). While in the inventory menu, she can swap the items.

Item Swapping
Item Swapping

Kelin now can spawn to check point if she gets KOed. This feature took most of the time of this progress, but I am glad that I managed to make it worked vert well and expected. In order to get spawn on check point, Kelin must touch the check point mark first.

Check Point and Picking Up Items
Check Point and Picking Up Items
Also, here is the summary I did from saturday until today:

  • Changed title from "KaKiKelin" to "Kaki Kelin"
  • Added panel to title menu
  • Added panel to option
  • Added ability to pickup item
  • Check point
  • Respawn to check point if KOed
  • Swapping item in inventory
  • Picking up item on map
  • Using item on map
  • Fixed some minor glitch
  • Stamina regeneration each 2 seconds
Option with New Panel
Option with New Panel
After this, I will doing pixel art. It's been a while I want to draw more characters from pixel art especially after improving a bit. I will draw Kelin primarily. Also, I will continue the castle tile on June, I am still to excited on Kelin's progress.

Also, don't forget to like Kelin's page in and say hi to her : ).

Saturday, May 28, 2016

KaKiKelin - Progress: Minor Progress and #screenshotsaturday

Did a minor progress for #screenshotsaturday. I have set the heart into 3 hearts. Kelin now can change direction using arrow keys. However, if Kelin changes direction from 180 degrees(from up to down, left to right, down to up, right to left), she will consumes her stamina. Makes sense to me since I tried that move and while running and it is more tiring then turning 90 degress.

Progress for #screenshotsaturday
Progress for #screenshotsaturday
Also, I am planning to prepare something else instead programming like more art and avatar of her, page, and something else.

Friday, May 27, 2016

KaKiKelin - Progress: Improving Gameplay, Inventory, and Kelin's Sprite

Very glad that I did much productivity from 3 days ago for ‪#KaKiKelin‬ project. A lot of stuffs were implemented in these previous days. I have improved the gameplay a lot. Also, I have added inventory system. Furthermore, Kelin has finally had her own sprite, currently the animated 4-facing sprite and non-animated KO sprite.

Improvement Summary in Gif
Things have implemented from three days ago:

  • Kelin's 4-facing sprite
  • Kelin's KO sprite
  • Health system
  • Stamina system
  • Damage when hitting a wall
  • Stamina reduction when hitting a wall (will probably removed in future)
  • KO when no health
  • Revised head image in HUD
  • Switching item in gameplay
  • Displaying sprite in item slot
  • Moving from map to other map
  • Coming in from outside map
  • Inventory
  • Displaying name, description, and image in inventory
  • Option menu
  • Window/Fullscreen option

Title Screen Mockup
Title Screen Mockup
Gameplay Health and Kelin's Sprite
Gameplay Health and Kelin's Sprite
Option Screen
Option Screen

I still want to do KaKiKelin project for the next 3 days instead of doing the castle tileset. Hope I can keep up this productivity. Also, if I remember tomorrow (saturday), I will submit it the #screenshotsaturday in gif. If possible, it will be different the gif in this post because there is some core game mechanism I will change.