Hello, Kelin Lovers!
"Kelin's Delivery: Rain" finally has v1.2 update with a some changes:
"Kelin's Delivery: Rain" finally has v1.2 update with a some changes:
- Changed sub-title from "Rainwater" into "Rain"
- Revised credit windows size
- Changed game sub-title
- Repositioned credit text
- Added poke for gpio for external API usage purpose
- Removed texts that won't be used on game
- Revised text on sheet item
- Slight edit on small rain sound
- Some edits to some sprites
- Revised the client's house
- Added shadow on walking Kelin in title screen
- Changed button functions on index.html: sosial page and walktrough (HTML5 release)
- Fixed the bug that made Kelin move while button pressed in certain event, which also made the game not completable
Also, "Kelin's Delivery: Rain" can be played in Kongregate (+API) and Indiexpo (Indiepad compatible) now. Enjoy!
Also don't forget to like Kelin series on https://www.facebook.com/kakikelin/.